Back in 1984, I was living in a rented house in Tacoma with my thankfully-now-ex husband. It stood on top of a hill, as did all the houses on the block, with long intersected stairs from the sidewalk to the door. It was a great vantage point because anyone walking up to the front door was seen well ahead of time--assuming I was watching, of course.
One day, I saw three young people going door-to-door, two men in black/white suits, a woman in a 50's dress. Jehovah's Witnesses. Not surprising. They had a temple not far away. And they're always looking for converts.
So, I popped in a cassette of Iron Maiden's Number of the Beast and waited until they were coming up the stairs, then hit play and cranked it. They left their paraphernalia on the doorstep and skedaddled. My Job done, I turned off the stereo, turned up the radio, and went back to drawing.
I do NOT like proselytizing or this stupid-ass need to convert people to their bullshit, and I'm including all religions but Wicca/Paganism and Buddhism, because they don't believe in forcing people to believe in what they believe. Live and let live. Doesn't mean they're flawless. Just live your life and leave people the fuck alone.
20 years later, I used to drive by this fundy church while living in Everett. They were practically every four blocks. And if I happened to do so while they were having their post-sermon gatherings outside on Sundays, I'd pop in a cassette of AC/DC's Highway to Hell and crank it. Just a little reminder: "Not everyone believes in your bullshit."
I think it's time for other likeminded folks to do the same. Remind these people they're not the majority. It's particularly needed for people living in states run by an oppressive fundy government who peddles hate and makes laws that forbid you from thinking--Texas, Florida, I'm looking at you for banning books, never mind attacking the powerless, but it ain't just the usual suspects. It's everywhere.
Churches aren't the only targets. It needs to be done to every entity that feels the need to control people's time, money, and thought. For example, walk into Wall Street with a boom box blaring Rush's Working Man. Do the same at the Capitol. Politely walk away when the cops come to remove you. But this dissent is badly needed. For just a moment, let 'em all know we're not taking their shit anymore, even though many work for these psychic vampires. Music hath the power and so do we.